SimSoup: Installation

SimSoup Version 0.61

Installation is as for SimSoup 0.6 below, except that '0.6' should be replaced with '0.61'.

SimSoup Version 0.6

Installation From Source

Download the file simsoup-0.6-src.tar.gz

SimSoup runs on most modern GNU/Linux distributions. It has been developed on Debian Version 7 (Wheezy). SimSoup 0.6 has been tested on the following distributions:


To install SimSoup from source, you first need to have the following installed
  1. A working C++ compiler (eg g++). If the configure script generates a message like "C++ compiler cannot create executables", it may just be trying to tell you that you don't have a compiler installed!
  2. pkg-config: used to retrieve information about installed libraries in the system
  3. make: Used to control the build based on Makefiles produced by the configure script
  4. gsl: The GNU Scientific Library - Development version. The actual package name varies from distribution to distribution
  5. GTKMM: A C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library - Development version. You need GTKMM with the API version 2.4
  6. GLIBMM library: Development version. Often automatically installed along with GTKMM
  7. Boost Graph Library: Development version.
The configure package (see below) checks that you have the right versions of packages installed, and advises on specific packages needed where possible.


Once you have the necessary packages on your system, installation is as usual:-
  1. Extract the source archive to a directory of your choice
  2. From the console, change directory to the top source directory:-
    cd simsoup-0.6  
    cd src
  3. Run the configure script
  4. Now compile and link SimSoup
  5. Now install with
    make install
    You need to get administrator permission with su or sudo to do this.
  6. You can now run SimSoup by typing:-
  7. You can now open the scenario input file SimSoup_Demo_Input.ssp in the directory "Scenarios"

SimSoup Version 0.53

Installation From Source

Download the file simsoup-0.53-beta.src.tar.gz SimSoup runs on GNU/Linux. It has been developed on Debian Squeeze. It has been tested on the following distributions: It is likely that it will also run on most other modern Linux distributions.


To install SimSoup from source, you first need to have the following installed
  1. A working C++ compiler (eg g++) If the configure script generates a message like "C++ compiler cannot create executables", it may just be trying to tell you that you don't have a compiler
  2. pkg-config: used to retrieve information about installed libraries in the system
  3. make: Used to control the build based on Makefiles produced by the configure script
  4. gsl: The GNU Scientific Library - Development version The actual package name varies from distribution to distribution
  5. GTKMM: A C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library - Development version
  6. GLIBMM library: Development version Often installed along with GTKMM
  7. Boost Graph Library: Development version.


Once you have the necessary packages on your system, installation is as usual:-
  1. Extract the source archive to a directory of your choice
  2. From the console, change directory to the top source directory:-
    cd simsoup-0.53-beta
  3. Run the configure script
  4. Now compile and link SimSoup
  5. Now install with
    make install
    You need to get administrator permission with su or sudo to do this.
  6. You can now run SimSoup by typing:-
  7. You can now open the scenario input file SimSoup_Demo_Input.ssp in the directory Scenario_Input

SimSoup Version 0.4

Installation From Binary

The SimSoup 0.4 binary has been tested on the following distributions:-


To run SimSoup, you first need to have the following installed:-


Once you have the necessary packages on your system, installation is as follows:-
  1. Unpack the binary archive to a directory of your choice
  2. From the console, change directory to the directory containing the SimSoup binary:-
    cd simsoup-0.4-linux-i386
  3. You can now run SimSoup.
    Open and run the demonstration scenario file (SimSoup_Demo_Scenario in the Scenario_Input directory)
As an alternative to steps (2) and (3), just double click on the file simsoup from a file manager (eg konqueror) to run the demo scenario.

That's it.

Installation From Source

The SimSoup 0.4 build from source has been tested on the following distributions:-


To install SimSoup from source, you first need to have the following installed


Once you have the necessary packages on your system, installation is as usual:-

SimSoup Version 0.3

Installation Of Binary Files

There are two binary distributions for SimSoup 0.3:- In order to run SimSoup version 0.3, you need a Linux system with X Windows and GTK2. SimSoup runs on both KDE and Gnome, but also runs fine on lighter window managers such as WindowMaker. Although SimSoup has been developed and tested on SUSE, it is likely that if you have any Linux installation that runs Gimp or Firefox then it will be able to run SimSoup.

To install, extract from one of the tar.gz files to a directory of your choice. Then open a terminal in this directory and execute the program by typing ./Run_SimSoup at a bash prompt.

If a missing library is reported, then try the binaries in the other tar.gz file.

That's it!

SimSoup Version 0.2

Installation Of Binary Files

The binaries for SimSoup version 0.2 are in the file SimSoup-0.2-i386-linux.tar.gz.

In order to run SimSoup version 0.2, you need a Linux system with X Windows, GTK1 (otherwise known just as GTK) and gdk-pixbuf installed. SimSoup runs on both KDE and Gnome, but also runs fine on lighter window managers such as WindowMaker.

Extract from the file SimSoup-0.2-i386-linux-tar.gz to a directory of your choice. Then open a terminal in this directory and execute the program by typing ./Run_SimSoup at a bash prompt.

That's it!

Source Files

The source files for SimSoup version 0.2 are in the file SimSoup-0.2-src.tar.gz.

SimSoup uses C++ for the main simulation logic and for management of the user interface. It uses Free Pascal and the Lazarus Component Library (LCL) for the presentation of the user interface.

The development environment for SimSoup includes:-

If you want to compile SimSoup, then I recommend you install the above products

The Linux distribution used for development of SimSoup 0.2 is SUSE 9.2 Professional.

SimSoup Version 0.1 - Prototype


Your system needs to have X installed. SimSoup runs on both KDE and Gnome, but also runs fine on lighter window managers such as WindowMaker.

Extract from the file SimSoup-0.1-i386-pc-linux-tar.gz to a directory of your choice. Now copy the file to a library directory on your system. On SuSE 8.1 the directory /usr/lib can be used.

If for some reason the above does not work, or you want to try SimSoup without copying the file to a system directory, then you can get started by copying the file to any directory of your choice (eg /home/chris/libs) and then typing the following at a bash prompt


You can now run SimSoup. Using the -ns command line option (./SimSoup -ns) will run the program without the startup message.


Extract from the file to a directory of your choice.

You can now run SimSoup.exe.